Tag: food

The Old School Kitchen: Farrell Monaco
Classes and Retreats, The Old-School Kitchen

The Old School Kitchen: Bread in Ancient Rome – Trinity College Dublin – 29 Nov 2019

Let’s talk Roman bread at Trinity College Dublin! Farrell Monaco will be presenting a lecture for the Trinity College Dublin Classics Society on November 29th at 6 pm. Venue TBA. From more info see the Facebook event page at: https://www.facebook.com/events/554479661775359/ or email Emma at: [email protected]

Passum Braised Pork Shoulder
Ancient Recipes, Edible Archaeology, Italy

The Mediterranean Triad – Grapes, Grains and Olives: Apicius’ Passum-Braised Pork Shoulder with Grape Must Cakes

Good day, coqui! It’s getting a bit chilly on the old latifundium, isn’t it? Not such a bad thing, really. It simply means that it’s time to start cooking some hot, carbohydrate-rich meals that stick to the ribs… ancient Roman-style! Up here in the northern hemisphere the days are growing […]

Pompeiian Feast
Classes and Retreats, Edible Archaeology

Boshell Lecture and Feast: Dining with the Romans

What did the ancient Romans eat and what were their banquets like? Archaeologist Farrell Monaco will talk about what archaeological evidence tells us about Roman foodways, from the most luxurious villas in Pompeii to roadside food stands. Discover how modern food historians re-create ancient recipes, and then sample some for yourself in […]