Vote for Tavola in the Saveur Magazine Blog Awards 2018!

Vote for Tavola Mediterranea in the Saveur Magazine Blog Awards 2018 and show your support for Experimental Archaeology, Food History and Food Archaeology through public education today! Scroll down to the category ” The Food Obsessive Award: Best Special Interest Blog” and then click the radio button next to Tavola Mediterranea and press ‘Vote’.… Then go back and do it again and again! Tell your friends… Tell your neighbours! Tell the world…. 🙂

Farrell Monaco at Pompeii

Good day, good readers!

I’ve just returned from working for two months in Italy cooking with new friends, researching bakeries, photographing Pompeian bread and hugging stray dogs in the ruins of Pompeii. I’m pleased to discover upon my return that Saveur Magazine has nominated Tavola Mediterranea under the Best Special Interest Food Blog category for the 2018 Blog Awards! Somebody pass the dormice! It’s time for a banquet! What wonderful news!

Thank you to those who nominated this blog and thank you to Saveur Magazine for choosing Tavola Mediterranea as a finalist. Stay tuned for more information, such as where to vote and when the winners are announced, when it all unfolds… and stay tuned for more edible archaeology in the weeks to come. It’s good to be home in my old-school kitchen once again!

History is delicious!

Tavola Mediterranea - 2018 Saveur Blog Awards Nominee


  1. Love your blog. Good luck on the Saveur award too. My main interest is ancient Greek and Roman food and cooking but I ran across this today which I thought was interesting. I read it just before you’re latest arrived in my inbox, so it occurred to me that you might find it interesting.

    • Farrell Monaco

      Thank you, Jim! That book looks like a goldmine of food history! I would love to read it. Atlas did a story on me and other experimental food archaeologists last year as well: Thank you for your well-wishes and for reading the site! 🙂 – Farrell

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